Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Monday, April 3, 2017

Feature News Edit

FISHING = The Peaceful Way to Relax and Think

I shot a series of photos of a fishing trip I took with a friend.  This is an edited panoramic photo I took that I thought would work great for a fishing advertisement even.  "When life gets confusing go fishing and figure it out. " It's the best way to quietly think and peacefully figure things out.

The smooth water and waves behind my boat, give off the feeling of peacefully leaving something behind and moving on to something new.  Changes happen in everyones life, sometimes change is peaceful and good, and feels right; other times change can be hard and decisions can be extremely difficult, discouraging or hard.  When I am peaceful and calm with a decision, I get the feeling I experience when I look at this photo, in that type of moment, everything can feel right.

I love this photo because it reminds me of the calm, peaceful feeling when I am right with a choice I have made.  Even though sometimes we look back and wonder about a choice we have made in the past, or wonder about a future choice, I know if I can find that peace that I see in this photo, I won't look back but instead create peaceful waves as I transition forward into my future.

Sunday, April 2, 2017

Shooting to Illustrate

This photo would be used to illustrate when the weather warms up too fast and the trees begin to flower too soon. Tree farmers, home owners and this little girl (my oldest niece Taylee) are concerned about being able to grow and to eat apples from their trees if they bud too quickly and then freeze when the temperatures drop.

Because the young buds that are blooming on fruit trees right now can freeze and die when they come into bloom too early, creating a loss of fruit crop for the year; this article would then include simple, child-like instructions of how to learn how to protect fruit trees from frost.

Thursday, March 2, 2017

NATURAL LIGHT PORTRAIT : Rembrandt Style Lighting

Rembrandt style lighting is easy to spot because it has the triangle light that shows on the shadow side of the check and is achieved with a light at about a 45 degree angle above and slightly to the side with a reflective light lower on the other side and slighty to the front.  I chose to use this photograph I took of Adalynn (my newest niece, she is 6 months old) I thought a soft light and edit would give the photo the right touch.  
I used the Northern exposure natural light from the window, along with the natural light from the East window, and the backlight from the tv screen, that was slightly to her right, to bounce light off her check. 
 She is a so sweet and really acts like she is just so glad to be alive.  Her eyes always sparkle when she smiles and she lights up the room!  (My sister and Adalynn almost died when Addy was born - she was born not breathing and had to be on life support after my sisters uterus ruptured.)  After 13 days at Primary Childrens Hospital Addy survived and seems genuinely happy to be here! 

A 'studio' Rembrandt lighting setup can look something like this; with the natural lighting I used the 'Northern natural light' window that was at a 45 degree angle above her, the East window light that was lower & I added the screen reflector on the same side as the East light but as a side backlight that reflected off her shadowed check - to give her the look of angels that might have watched over her and helped to keep her alive. 

 I'd like to think I got lucky and captured her right at the perfect moment, showing how her whole face lights up and even her eyes smile as you see the twinkle and her face full of happy baby dimples that seem to joyfully giggle 'I am alive' !

This is a 'sense of humor attempt' to grab a "natural light glamour shot" of my pug.
She looks likes she's being 'judged for not being glamorous' haha

Sunday, February 12, 2017


"Spring Coming?"
This is a telephoto of a wild desert plant.  When I zoomed in on it it told the story/gave the perception that 'spring has sprung'.  If we look closely we can almost hear the buds popping. Even though everything all around the plant is still pretty drab, and color is mostly hidden, this 'tight' telephoto focal length gives the perception that Spring is coming!
ISO 100

"Springs Out to Get You"
Desert Cactus 
ISO 200

"Color on Rock Gives Illusion of Spring"
This is bright, colorful lichen that I found on a rock. It gives the illusion of a colorful spring when shot with a 'telephoto' lense, but it is really just colorful lichen (algae) left from winter. 
ISO 100

"Crisp Entrance"
Dead leaves on plant next to a lizards den. This plant was a crispy left over from last year that was mostly grey except for the dead leaves at the entrance to the cave the lizard went in to hide from me.  These crispy leaves had sunlight shining on them and it completely changed the color to golden, as they stiffly fluttered in the wind. Using a telephoto shot took most of the grey away and brought out the light, bringing a sort of warm life to the dead plant.
ISO 100

"Dead Out of the Rock"
This is dead (or dormant) plant life from last year.  It grew right out of the rock.
ISO 100

Monday, February 6, 2017


"My Pathway Home"

ISO 100

ISO 100

ISO 100

ISO 100

ISO: 100
Focal Length: 32mm
F Number: f/98
Exposure Time: 1/125
Nikon D40X

"My Pathway Home"
This path will take you somewhere. The wide angle lets it be up to the viewer as to where the trail might go. The 'focal length' allows the viewer to see homes in the valley below the mountain I'm standing on, and the red rock mountains are also in view because of the wide focal length.  This ties the path into the distance and gives the perception of a path leading to somewhere - possibly off into the distance toward the red rock mountain of Snow Canyon. This impacts the 'story telling aspect' by allowing the viewer to imagine where the path might lead; to home below or a new adventure in the next mountain range.  The wide focal length also helps the pioneer story to be told of the "Temple Quarry Trail"

I took these series of photos on top of the old airport mountain. I went for a hike one day behind my house, not knowing this was here, so I did some research.  This is the "Temple Quarry Trail" that is next to the condo where I live.  In the 1800's pioneers loaded giant lava rocks onto horse drawn wagons, then circling around on the trail, carried them down to the valley where the black lava rocks final resting place was to be the foundation of the St George LDS Temple.  The first series of photos shows the trail as it heads away toward Ivins, then around the black hills.  The red rock of Snow Mountain where Tuachan is located is straight ahead. Go backwards on this trail and it will take you to the East side of the mountain and the head of the Temple Quarry Trail where the St George Temple is visible - leaving me to my own thoughts and imagination of men of many years ago traveling quite a distance down the mountain side with giant lava rocks to the unfinished temple site as they worked on the foundation. (My research shows it was finished in 1893.)

This is a wide shot on the point, looking down at Sunbrook and Indian Hills Drive. This is the way the wagons went back around the mountain when the wagon was loaded with a large rock.
ISO 100

Monday, January 30, 2017

2017 Dixie State Baseball fundraising Dinner/Auction.

Hard News Story = Up to the Minute Updates From Mike Littlewood's Acceptation Speech Into HOF

HARD NEWS is UP–TO-DATE happing right that minute news -it is reported when/as it happens.

I am attending Mike Littlewood's induction into the Hall of Fame for his service at Dixie State University as a baseball coach several years ago.

During the induction we can participate in a 'live silent auction'. There are baseball hat packages to be won, autographed art and baseballs, along with an ongoing raffle.  I will report here as I win or if someone I know wins or gets the final bid at action.

Many current baseball players are in attendance along with families and supporters from the community. This is a fundraiser for the Dixie State University Baseball team and all proceeds, along with the purchase of season tickets for a discount that is happening over in the back, left corner of the room, goes to help the team and the renovation of the locker room facilities. 

DD Udy just missed the winning bid on season tickets, so because he is a great supporter and participator in the sport, he is over purchasing a pass right now!

But this is Don, a former scout for the Cincinnati Reds and his wife Dicy.  They are supporting hats that were WON at the silent action! Such good sports! But I needed to edit this because of the shadow on their faces that I unfortunately didn't notice a I was taking the shot.

Mr Udy is also holding a hat that he was given at the dinner and auction.

(Photo of DD Udy and Wife with Dicy & Don)

Edited version of picture above - cropped and enhanced to give a better effect - it was really dark and a slide show, and since I was just a beginner with my cameras I was glad for editing software!

Hard News Story - DSU 2017 Athletics H.O.F. Induction Ceremony

Sunday, January 22, 2017


 This the ceiling fan in the condo where I live.

 ISO 100

ISO 1600

ISO 3200

ISO 640

"PLEASE play ball with me!"
ISO 360

"Warming Up To Play Ball"
ISO 360

 "Does She See Me"
This is a picture of my sister and her husband. 
ISO 800

"Caught Kissing"
This is a picture of  my brother and his wife. The wind was blowing and the dry ornamental grasses were moving with the wind.  I caught them kissing while I was walking by and didn't want to miss taking this photo. I snapped this photo in a small opening between the grass and trees. (This was taken with my cell phone because I just couldn't miss this shot when I saw it and I didn't have my other camera. It fits perfectly in the 'axiom' category, showing depth of field, so I had to add it to my blog!)
ISO 40

Sunday, January 8, 2017

Equipment I Use

Nikon D40x
Nikon D3100
    Two Nikon DX18-55
    One Nikon DX 55-200